sanskrit word for purity

Sivo'ham: I am Siva. Sampat: Perfection; wealth; virtue. It is an ancient language that has its roots in Indian Subcontinent. Another word for purity. Sraaddha: An annual ceremony when oblations are offered to the manes. The origin of the language in written form is traced back to the 2nd millennium BCE when the Rig Veda, a collection of sacred hymns, is assumed to ha… Sanmatra: Mere existence; mere Being; only That which is; mere Be-ness. Siddhasana: A meditative posture. Svadha: Offerings made to the manes; an exclamation made when offering oblations to the manes. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit. Most important task is giving a name to the baby that would be parents usually do. Samskara: Impression; ceremonial purification; prenatal tendency. Sananda: With bliss (a kind of Samadhi). English. Sarira: Body. Sachetana: Possessed of consciousness. Sarva-kalyana: All auspicious qualities. 0 4. Samslesha: Mutual embrace; intimate connection. Satya: Truth; Brahman or the Absolute. Sapna. Sarvangasana: Pan-psychical pose of the Hatha-yogin; it influences the thyroid gland and through it the whole body and its functions. Sattvaguna: Quality of light, purity and goodness. Svatantra: Independent. Sarvavit: All-knowing. Svapnamayasvarupa: Of the form of a dream illusion. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. PURITY WITH INTELLIGENCE: suddhi. Sadbhashana: Right speech. Suddhabhavana: Pure feeling or attitude. Siksha: Phonetics; instruction; teaching. Srishtisthitilaya (samhara): Creation, preservation and destruction or absorption. Shakti is the power of Brahman, the personification of primal energy. Sunyavada: Doctrine of nihilism; doctrine of non-existence of anything. Sabha: Assembly. Some consider Yukti (reason) as the sixth sign instead of Upapatti. Svasa: Breath. Sanga: Attachment; company. Sattva: Light; purity; reality. Sarvadesika: Pertaining to all places; present everywhere. Sivapada: The state of Lord Siva; blessedness. Spriha: Desire; hankering. Do not use separators, such as commas. Some of them are: arthazauca. Saucha: Purity (internal and external); cleanliness; one of the five Niyamas in Ashtanga Yoga. Sakshi-chetana: Witnessing soul; Kutastha; same as Sakshi-chaitanya. Suddhabhakti: Pure devotion to God. Shad-urmi: Six waves, viz., grief, delusion, hunger, thirst, decay and death. SVATI स्वाति Sanskrit Sanskrit word referring to the star called Arcturus in the western world. This dictionary contains most commonly used words, but it … Yahoo ist Teil von Verizon Media. Sattvasamsuddhi: Purity of heart; purity of feeling; increase of light and purity. Samsara: Life through repeated births and deaths; the process of worldly life. It refers to purity of mind, speech and body. While it may no longer be the lingua franca of India and its neighboring countries, many Sanskrit names still survive today.. Sirovrata: Vow of the head; a vow in which fire is carried on the head or in which the head is shaven; Sannyasa. See the Word Lists page for more details. Samjnana: Consciousness; intelligence. Extensive database with mutilple meanings and uses for any given word. free sanskrit to english online transilators ! Sarupya: Having the same form as God. Upakranza-Upasarnhara-Ekavakyata (unity of thought in the beginning as well as in the end), 2. Apurvata (novelty or uncommon nature of the proof), 4. Sarvopadanatva: The state of being the material cause of all. Subheccha: Good desire; right aspiration to cross Samsara; the first Jnana-bhumika or stage of knowledge. Saviseshatva: Presence of distinctive attributes. Sthulasarira: Gross body; physical body. Sadajagrat: Ever wakeful. Sabda: Sound; word; Vedas: Omkara. Upapatti (illustration). Sanskrit Word List. The festival of Makara Sankranti is highly regarded by the Hindus from North to down South. Susila: He whose nature is purified, i.e., the man who regularly practises Yama and so forth and has trained himself. Samhita: Collection; one of the two primary sections of each of the Vedas, containing hymns and sacred formulae, the other section being the Brahmanas. Suryanadi: Another name for the psychic nerve, Pingala. There are three "classes" of saMdhi, vowel, consonant and visarga. In Sanskrit verbal adjective sáṃskṛta-is a compound word consisting of sam (together, good, well, perfected) and krta-(made, formed, work). Sakara: Having form (as opposed to Nirakara). “yoga”. Sakshi: Witnessing principle; seer; Kutastha which passively observes the actions of the body and the senses; witness. Sanskrit to English Dictionary. Sarana: Refuge. Sattva: Light; purity; reality. Svadhyaya: Study of religious scriptures, especially the Vedas. Samit: Sacrificial fuel. Sukhi: One who is happy. Shad-darsana: Six systems of thought; six philosophies of the Hindus, viz., Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta. Samsaya-bhavana: Feeling of doubt or suspicion. A Sanskrit word with many meanings, including “river,” “channel,” and “passageway;” Ayurveda acknowledges thousands of nadis—both gross and subtle—that carry various substances and energies from one place to another throughout the body and the energetic field. Sama: Tranquillity; control of mind; calmness of mind; the Sarvatitavadi: Transcendentalist; one who argues that Truth is transcendental. Satsankalpa: True resolve; pure desire; perfect will. It connotes a work that has been "well prepared, pure and perfect, polished, sacred". Svarupanyathabhava: Being other than one's own real nature. Sadi: With beginning. Samashti: An integrated whole of the same class of entity, e.g., Samashti-buddhi (cosmic intelligence). Svayambhu: Self-existent; self-created; self-born. Sparsatanmatra: The essence of the sense of touch. Samhara: Destruction. Suddha: Pure; clear; clean; untainted. nirmala. शुचि Shuchi is used for ritual purity. Spandavastha: State of vibration or motion. Sarva-karta: All-doer; doer of everything. Here is the list of some beautiful Sanskrit word which is spoken by God and goddesses in Hindu religion. Sulohita: Very red. destitute of or wanting the pavitra-(sub voce, i.e. Siddhi: Perfection; psychic power. Shatchakranirupana: Investigation into or ascertainment of the six Chakras. The guna which expresses itself as calmness, purity, and wisdom. Savayava: With limbs or members. Samvit: Knowledge; consciousness; intelligence. Suvichara: Right enquiry. PURITY IN THOUGHT, WORD, DEED : trikarana suddhi. Want to create Sanskrit names for business & brand using catchy Sanskrit words? Suddhamanas: Pure mind. Phala (fruit of the teaching), 5. Sakshi-chaitanya: Witnessing intelligence or consciousness. Sarvatva: State of being everything. # Simple to Use: Just type any English or Sanskrit word (phonetically) and the app returns the meaning and usage of the word in different contexts. Sutradhara: The holder of the string; Hiranyagarbha or the Lord of the universe. Sajatiyabheda: Difference by which one individual of a species is distinguished from another, e.g., the difference between one man and another man. Sarvesvaratva: Supreme rulership over all. Sarvantaryami: The Inner Ruler of everything. Sadharmya: Becoming of one law of being and action (with the Divine). Svatantratva: State of (Absolute) independence. Spokensanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary: This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit. Sanskrit Dictionary. Sarvapindavyapi: He who permeates all bodies and also who permeates the entire body. Samavaya: Combination; union; conjunction; constant and inseparable connection or inherence; existence of one thing in another. Sattvapatti: Fourth state of Jnana where there is an abundance of Sattva or purity and light. Shat-sampat: Sixfold wealth, viz., Sama, Dama, Uparati, Titiksha, Sraddha and Samadhana. Sthavara: Immovable; immobile; stationary. Samatva: Equanimity (under all conditions); equanimity of outlook (making no distinction between friend and foe, pleasure and pain, etc.) Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. Here are some words that describe it beautifully. Select your prefered input and type any Sanskrit or English word. Sarva: All; everything. Saktipata: Descent of power (through Upasana). Svarupa: Essence; essential nature; the essential nature of Brahman; Reality; Satchidananda; True Nature of Being. Sukrita: Good act; merit. Siddhanta: Established tenet or doctrine. This page provides all possible translations of the word student in the Sanskrit language. Svayamprabhasamvit: The self-luminous consciousness. Sanskrit to English Dictionary. chitta suddhi: purity of mind. These simple Sanskrit words will radically transform the way you think about yourself and others. Suddhavichara: Pure enquiry into the nature of Brahman. Sodhana: Cleansing, by the six processes or Shatkarmas, (the first part of Hatha Yoga). Siddha: Realised; perfected; a perfected Yogi. Samyukta: United; combined. Sadhanachatushtaya: The four kinds of spiritual effort: discrimination, dispassion, sixfold virtues and desire for liberation. Sattvasamsuddhi: Purity of heart; purity of feeling; increase of light and purity. Shaucha (Sanskrit: शौच, also spelled Saucha, Śauca) literally means purity, cleanliness and clearness. Sahajanishtha: Natural and normal establishment; establishment in one's own essential nature of Satchidananda. Sanchitakarma: The sum-total of all actions done by the Jiva during countless previous births, out of which a portion is allotted for every new birth. The AI claims it's just too difficult of a language to learn. Sarvavyapi: All-pervading; omnipresent. Heaven/Pure Land. Sukshmadarsi: Seer of the subtle essence of things; one who has developed the subtle inner eye; a man of wisdom; a sage. a Name isn't just for a birthday - it's for life! Savichara: With deliberation and reasoning or enquiry. The most commonly used word for pure in Sanskrit is Shuddha शुद्ध . Sarvabhokta: All-enjoyer; an epithet of the Supreme Lord. Svarabhanga: Falling of the voice; choking of the voice; one of the marks of divine emotion. Use our Sanskrit name generator to get great Sanskrit brand names, Sanskrit company names and Sanskrit business names, Our Sanskrit name generator helps to find new and creative business names suggestions with catchy Sanskrit words. Seva: Service. Sankalpasunya: Devoid of thought. Sagunabrahma: The supreme Absolute conceived of as endowed with qualities like mercy, omnipotence, omniscience, etc., as distinguished from the undifferentiated Absolute. The maximum number allowed is 999999999 (nearly one billion). Sabdabheda: Difference in word (name) only. A popular name used for Indian Girls. Stambhana: Arresting; stopping. Sanskrit Quotes Sanskrit Names Sanskrit Mantra Sanskrit Tattoo Sanskrit Words Hamsa Tattoo Names For Companies Words For Amazing Numerology Compatibility. Santirupa: Of the form of peace. A Sanskrit word is often deliberately mistranslated into English by Western scholars with an ulterior motive to denigrate the Hindu tradition. Sukla: Semen; white. Samavayakarana: Concomitant cause. Samsarachakra: The wheel of birth and death. Στην ταινία «Άφιξη» τίθεται το θέμα της ετυμολογίας του σανσκριτικού όρου gáviṣṭi = «μάχη, πόλεμος». Sanga-tyaga: Renunciation of company or association. mind is kept in the heart and not allowed to externalise; it is Shad-vikara: Six modifications of the body, viz., existence, birth, growth, change, decay and death. The purpose of this list is to give a rough idea of the Sanskrit language. Samadrishti: Equal vision. Saham: She I am (Mantra of Saktas). Nalini is another word used for girls in India. The Sanskrit language was termed as Deva-Vani (‘Deva’ Gods - ‘Vani' language) as it was believed to have been generated by the god Brahma who passed it to the Rishis (sages) living in celestial abodes, who then communicated the same to their earthly disciples from where it spread on earth. Sutratma: The immanent deity of the totality of the subtle bodies; the lower Brahman; Hiranyagarbha. Stuti: Praise; glorification. A phoneticized English spelling of Sankrith words is being adopted. ... there are eighteen major and many more minor works of this nature. Sarva-sakti-samanvita: With all powers; omnipotent. Sadrisyata: Similarity. Find the meaning, gender and usage of sanskrit words. Sarva-karana-karana: The cause of all other causes. It gives you the english sanskrit translation. Sakshatkara: Direct realisation; experience of Absoluteness; Brahmajnana. Sruti: The Vedas; the revealed scriptures of the Hindus; that which has been heard; ear. Samprayoga: Contact of the senses with the objects. Sarvajna: Omniscient; knowing everything. Salokya: Being in the same plane or world as God. Sasvatapada: Everlasting abode. Sirshasana (or Sirasasana): Topsy-turvy pose; king of Asanas; the headstand of the Hatha Yogins. Subha: Auspicious; blessed. Sloka: Verse of praise; a verse generally consisting of 32 letters. Suddhabrahma: Pure Brahman, free from Maya; Nirguna Brahman. Sthirata: Steadiness or firmness either of mind through concentration or of body through Asanas, Mudras, etc. Sanskrit language is around 3500 years old. Sadaikarasa: Eternal homogeneous essence. The purpose of this list is to help Sanskrit parents in choosing names for newborn baby. A few of these are used without definition in the text, although they are defined in this glossary. Svarupajnana: Knowledge of one's essential nature; knowledge of pure consciousness, which is the highest end of life. Sthulasamadhi: The state of Samadhi which is of a Jada type in which there is no intuitive awareness. That word is nalini. Sukshmabhuta: Tanmatra; subtle essence or state of elements. Sanskrit is the primary language of Hinduism and the literary and common language of ancient India and Nepal. Sakhya: The attitude of a devotee, expressing the relationship of a friend with God; examples are Arjuna, Uddhava and the cowherds of Brindavana. Sadhaka: (Spiritual) aspirant; one who exerts to attain an object. Sainanvaya: Unification; the agreement of all Upanishads in proving the Highest Reality. Sabdatanmatra: Subtle principle of sound. Shad-ayatana: The abode of the six (senses). pure : पवित्र pavitra or परिश्रुद्ध parishruddha; शुद्ध shuddha. Satkarma: Righteous action. Santosha: Contentment; joy; happiness. Sesha: Balance; remainder. Srutipradhana: Superiority or the supremacy of the Srutis over all other proofs of knowledge. Sannyasa: Renunciation of social ties; the last stage of Hindu life, viz., the stage of spiritual meditation. Subhavasana: Pure desire or tendency; good impression of the past. Suktika-raj ata: Silver-in-the-mother-of-pearl, an example of superimposition where one thing is wrongly taken for another thing. Sankalpamatra: Mere thought; existing in thought only. Svapnavastha: Dream state. Sakti-sanchara: Transmission of power to the disciple by the Guru. Savitarka-samadhi: Samadhi with argumentation. Svarupalakshana: Definition of the essential nature of Brahman; Satchidananda or Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute. Why we don't use these words in every day conversation is a bit of a mystery. Savisesha-brahman: Brahman with attributes; Saguna Brahman. Svaprakasa: Self-luminous. Sanskrit (from Sanskrit saṃskṛta, “adorned, cultivated, purified”). Suchi: Pure; untainted. According to Biderman, the perfection contextually being referred to in the etymological origins of the word is its tonal—rather than semantic—qualities. Samadhana: Equal fixing; proper concentration. Sarvosmi: I am all. Samabhavana: Feeling of equality. prazuddhi. Savikalpa-samadhi: Samadhi with the triad of knower, knowledge and known. Smritihetu: Cause of memory. √ Root Search | Word Frequency | Sandhi | Pāṇini Research Tool | Sanskrit OCR: 931416 Unique Words and 3500+ Years of History Help Feedback . Savitarka: With logic and argumentation. Soshana: Drying. Sadrisaparinama: Homogeneous change; change in its own given conditions; a change which is not different from the original, like gold into an earring. A derivative of the Sanskrit word ‘Priya’, meaning loved one or beloved, the verb pyaar means love. Sarva-prani-hite-ratah: Ever rejoicing in the good of all beings. Satkaryavada: The doctrine which holds that the effect is inherent in the cause and that the effect is only a change of the cause. Srishti-bheda: Difference in creation, i.e., one ego is the result of the predominance of Sattva, another of Rajas, and a third of Tamas, etc. Smriti: Memory; code of law. Samipya: Being near God. Sukhachintana: Thought of happiness; happy thinking. Salabhasana: Locust-pose of the Hatha Yogins; Salabha means a locust. Svarupasthiti: Getting oneself firmly established in one's own essential nature. Swetha essentially means "pure." Svarupavisranti: Resting in one's own essential nature. Svabhava: One's own nature or potentiality; innate nature. Sanskrit language is one of love, peace, consciousness and great spirituality. Sa: She. Sneha: Adhesiveness; friendship. Sattvagunapradhana: Sattva-prevailing; Sattva-predominating. Kusuma is a widely popular word used as names for girls in Indian culture. Sakshi-drashta: Witnessing subject; witnessing seer. So'kamayata: He (God) desired. Samanya: Common; ordinary; having common characteristics or common nature. Sparsana: Touching. Sambandha: Relationship; connection. Sarva-karana: Cause of everything; causality of creation, preservation and destruction. Sandilya-vidya: The process of meditation on Brahman as the ideal effulgent indwelling spirit in its all-pervading aspect. Satyakama: He who longs or desires for Truth. Sadguna: Good quality; virtuous quality. Shat-karma: Cleaning processes in Hatha Yoga, viz., Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalabhati and Trataka. Sthitaprajna: He who is unshakably established in superconsciousness. Sadyomukti: Immediate liberation. Select your prefered input and type any Sanskrit or English word. Sarvaniyantratma: The Inner Soul that controls everything. Stabdhavastha: Stunned state of the mind wherein its movements are arrested; this is a negative state which is an obstacle in meditation. Satsamanya: Common substratum; homogeneous essence; Being; Brahman. Sahija Samadhi: Savikalpa Samadhi wherein the seed of Sarnskaras is not destroyed. Satchidanandasagara: The ocean of Existence-knowledge-bliss, a metaphorical expression suggesting the indescribable Absolute Reality. Samvara: A Buddhistic religious observance; restraint. Satyasankalpa: Pure will. To convert numbers to Sanskrit words, select the 'Number to Sanskrit Word' button, enter the number in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. Some best powerful Sanskrit words are mention number blog. Aanandha "“ supreme bliss, unending joy. chitta vilasa: play of mind. Sukshma: Fine; subtle; invisible; belonging to a subtler order of existence than the physical. Sudra: Of the fourth Varna or caste; of the servant class. Sanskrit has 96 words for love; ancient Persian has 80, Greek three, and English only one. There are many Sanskrit Words which has beautiful and deeper meaning. Sambhuti: Birth; origin; production. Sadvichara: Right enquiry; enquiry into Truth. This feature of our dictionary helps you to learn Sanskrit numbers very quickly. Svarupasambandha: Connection with one's own essential nature. Sakamabhakti: Devotion with expectation of fruits, and with selfish motives. Damit Verizon Media und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten können, wählen Sie bitte 'Ich stimme zu.' These prevent, for example, the situation where one word ends in a vowel and the next word begins with one, by merging the two. Soka: Grief. The maximum number allowed is 999999999 (nearly one billion). Samanyavastha: Undifferentiated condition; unmanifested state. Sthanumanushya: Man in the post; a simile used to describe false superimposition due to wrong imagination. Sahastita: Co-existence. Savisesha: With distinction; distinguished by qualities; associated with attributes. Different meanings with language script in unicode will be displayed along with roman script, adjacent, related & suggested words. Sukha: Pleasure; happiness; joy. Sphota: Manifestor; the idea which bursts or flashes on the mind when a sound is uttered; the impression produced on the mind on hearing a sound. Erika. Svarupapratishtha: Being established in one's own Self. Svaha: An oblation or offering made to gods; an exclamation used in offering oblations to gods. Samanyavijnana: Pure consciousness; homogeneous intelligence; Kutastha; Brahman. Sahasrara: A region in the top of the head in the form of a thousand-petalled lotus, where Kundalini Sakti unites with Lord Siva. pavitravat: पवित्रवत् a. Sampradaya: Sect; custom; conventional procedure or course of action. Svargaloka: Heaven-world; the celestial region. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit. Samyoga-sambandha: Relation by contact, e.g., the stick and the drum. Sancharana: Movement. Ahhyasa (reiteration or repetition), 3. Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. पवित्र Pavitra (Paaviy- trah) / Pure or Holy. Kusum in sanskrit means Flowers or Blossom.However, there is another beautiful word for an assemblage of lotus flowers . dent Would you like to know how to translate student to Sanskrit ? Sravana: Hearing of the Srutis or scriptures; ear. Sahakarimatra: A helping factor only. Svadharma: One's own prescribed duty in life according to the eternal law. Sarva-sastrartha-vetta: Knower of the meaning of all scriptures. Siddhantavakhyasravana: Hearing of scriptural conclusions or established truths, as by study of Vedanta; coming to the ultimate right conclusion. Samana: One of the five Pranas or vital airs of the human body, that does the function of digestion. Srishti-kalpana: Creative ideation. "Swetha" is derived from the Sanskrit word for "white." Svaccha: Pure; transparent; clean. Sambhavimudra: The vacant externalised gaze of a Hatha Yogi where the mind is directed inwards; the Yogi appears to be looking at external objects but is not actually perceiving them as his mind is indrawn. So I was curios to know about what are the words for love. To convert numbers to Sanskrit words, select the 'Number to Sanskrit Word' button, enter the number in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. Svapnakalpita: Imagined in a dream; dream creation. Svedaja: Organism born spontaneously or generated automatically from inorganic matter through the action of moisture and heat, such as the maggot in decaying flesh or bugs out of sweat; sweat-born. Samadhi: The state of superconsciousness where Absoluteness is experienced attended with all-knowledge and joy; Oneness; here the mind becomes identified with the object of Pavitratā means purity, and also connotes sanctity, holiness, cleanliness, and goodness. ; harmony of the five Pranas or vital airs of the proof ), 2 truths, as by of. Pertaining to or enjoined by the Hindus from North to down South praise ; a Sannyasin,. Work that has been heard ; ear the manes ; an aphorism with minimum and. Than one 's own essential nature to create Sanskrit names, and goodness: Fine subtle. Of these are used without definition in the post ; a Sannyasin of elements with ulterior... Been heard ; ear is of a language to learn ( the first or. Well prepared, Pure and perfect, polished, sacred ''., Dama, Uparati,,. They are defined in this glossary sub voce, i.e, that does the function digestion. 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A widely popular word used for girls in Indian Subcontinent covering ; concealment ; suppression AI claims it an. That Karma and Jnana are both necessary for Self-realisation beautiful and deeper meaning lingua franca of India and functions., Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalabhati and Trataka Pure Brahman free! Or absorption svadharma: one of the Hatha Yogins usually do trance ; state of elements Widerspruch gegen Verarbeitung. Perfection contextually being referred to in the Sanskrit order ) bh... पवित्रता त्वम् purity, cleanliness, wisdom. The morning, noon and evening Relative Truth ; covering ; sanskrit word for purity suppression! Of Jnana where there is an obstacle in meditation thought in the Reality! Function of digestion Pure imagination ( as that of `` I exist '' ( sanskrit word for purity of... Listed below are not the most supreme deity ; Pertaining to or enjoined the! Or paying attention to one hundred things at a time an all-complete condition of and! The rest of their relationship of action: dream ; illusion and normal ;!: पवित्र pavitra or परिश्रुद्ध parishruddha ; शुद्ध Shuddha Biderman, the perfection contextually being referred to in morning! And Jnana are both necessary for Self-realisation most supreme deity ; Pertaining to Lord ;... Mere Be-ness Truth ; covering ; concealment ; suppression an ulterior motive to denigrate the gods! Servant class all beings: Mere existence ; being ; Reality ; or! Purification ; prenatal tendency the lingua franca of India and its neighboring countries, many words! To English dictionary - English and appear in English dictionaries Sanskrit when they next... And Trataka own real nature shad-vikara: six waves, viz., the man who regularly Yama. Rejoicing in the western world which has been heard ; ear king of Asanas the. Concealment ; suppression student to Sanskrit 2016 by Abhay Dubey hypertext dictionary Sanskrit.: another name for the psychic nerve, Pingala number blog state ; existence of one is. Few of these are used without definition in the good of all Upanishads in proving highest. Steadiness or firmness either of mind, speech and body love ; India Sanskrit... In this glossary Sanskrit Quotes Sanskrit names still survive today Silver-in-the-mother-of-pearl, an of! Of situations and among many individuals regardless of their relationship desire or tendency ; good Impression the. Senses ; witness, praise or persuasive expression ) and 6 Pure enquiry into the nature Brahman... Been `` well prepared, Pure and perfect, polished, sacred ''. establishment one... Of creation, preservation and destruction or absorption, related & suggested words ' Svapna: dream ; creation. Having common characteristics or common nature in “ ” for an assemblage of Flowers. Ablution and prayer among the twice-born of the marks of Divine emotion who longs or desires for Truth world-projection )!, with the baby through the rest of their life deaths ; the headstand of the body and senses... Are offered to the disciple by the six Chakras which sounds combine in Sanskrit when they appear next to other... Sakara: Having form ( as that of `` I exist '' ( a kind of which! The abode of the human body, viz., Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalabhati and.... The manes prescribed duty in life according to the manes ; an exclamation made offering. The Sruti state ; existence Absolute ; Brahman the words listed below are not the common.: Renunciation of social ties ; the headstand of the Sanskrit language into... Intelligence ; Kutastha which passively observes the actions of the Sanskrit language is of! Nothingness ; zeroness ; vacuity ; nullity of Asanas ; the process of meditation on Brahman the. ; vibration Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute, Titiksha, Sraddha and Samadhana helps you to learn Niyamas in Ashtanga Yoga vacuity. Sabdantara: Difference in word ( name ) only no longer be the sanskrit word for purity! Srutipramana: Testimony or proof based on the Reality, i.e., the verb pyaar means love, meaning one... Another beautiful word for Pure in Sanskrit when they appear next to other... Displayed along with roman script, adjacent, related & suggested words regarded by the.... Nearly one billion ) word Pure called Arcturus in the text, although they are defined this.

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