migration sentence definition

Centrifugal migration is usually a matter of compulsion; it may be necessitated by natural causes, such as a change of climate leading to the withering of pastures or destruction of agricultural land, to inundation, earthquake, pestilence or to an excess of population over means of support; or to artificial causes, such as the wholesale deportation of a conquered people; or to political or religious persecution. Eighty years after the Trojan War, according to the traditional chronology, the Dorian migration took place. Migrant: a person who leaves their home country to reside in another Migrants come from all over the world . Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge definiert Migration wie folgt: Von Migration spricht man, wenn eine Person ihren Lebensmittelpunkt räumlich verlegt. Aus Sicht des aufnehmenden Landes betrachtet ist Migration Einw… To avoid ink migration as much as possible while still donning art on your feet, try to stick to the top of your foot rather than the toes or the sides. noun. Migrant in a sentence 1. This migration affects the structure of the brain and the neural circuits responsible for behavior and thinking. How to use migrate in a sentence. Find more ways to say migration, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It provides a rationale for its focus upon investigating the meaning of migration … The movement can be voluntary and involuntary. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The movement of people from one place to another without the immediate intention of returning is known as migration, and accord ing to its origin it may be classed as centrifugal (directed a particular area) and centripetal (directed towards a particular area). , During the cold months, it is always interesting to watch the migration of the birds as they fly towards the warm regions. Migration can be intercontinental, intracontinent… You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Migration' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Cheesecake doesn't have to migrate immediately to your equator. People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work. Migration is usually a response to changes in temperature, food supply, or the amount of … Migration background migration background. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In some cases they survive by migration, but this is often prohibited by physical barriers, These, however, have often protected them from the competition of more vigorous invading races. Definition von Migration und von der Zielgruppe "Migranten" Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge definiert Migration wie folgt: "Von Migration spricht man, wenn eine Person ihren Lebensmittelpunkt räumlich verlegt. If mountains serve as barriers which arrest the migration of the vegetation at their base, their upper levels and summits afford lines of communication by which the floras of colder regions In the northern hemisphere can obtain a southern extension even across the tropics. Immigration definition: Immigration is the coming of people into a country in order to live and work there. Churches are built along it and birds migrate along its path. The precise cause of Asperger syndrome remains unknown, although some theories point to brain abnormalities brought about by the unnatural migration of embryonic cells throughout fetal development. Aggravated Felonies and Sentence C. The Petty Offense Exception to the Moral Turpitude Inadmissibility Ground and Sentence A. It was, first, the advance of the Hatti (Hittites) into Syria, which began in the time of Amen-hotep III., but became far more threatening in that of his successor, and next, the resumption of the second Arabian migration, which most seriously undermined the Egyptian power in Asia. Did You Know? These animals migrate annually in search of food. In the Apology he is represented as sure that " no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death, " but as not knowing whether " death be a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or a change or migration of the soul from this world to the next" (i. of New Zealand, of their migration, are preserved by the Australians. Definition of Migration. Migration at this time from the French and Italian alps was much greater than from the Swiss and Austrian Alps. Finally began a movement hitherto unparalleled in the history of African migration; certain peoples of Zulu blood began to press north, spreading destruction in their wake. Coastal squeeze occurs where fixed sea defenses prevent the natural migration of saltmarsh inland as estuaries become subject to sea level rise. Amongst the most marked features of the change that has taken place since 1875 are the growth of religious and philanthropic establishments; the settlement of Jewish colonies from Bokhara, Yemen and Europe; the migration of Europeans, old Moslem families, and Jews from the city to the suburbs; the increased vegetation, due to the numerous gardens and improved methods of cultivation; the substitution of timber and red tiles for the vaulted stone roofs which were so characteristic of the old city; the striking want of beauty, grandeur, and harmony with their environment exhibited by most of the new buildings; and the introduction of wheeled transport, which, cutting into the soft limestone, has produced mud and dust to an extent previously unknown. Giga-fren . Results will define the age of the Scottish drainage divide and test models which predict divide migration in response to crustal deformation. Migration bildete in den genannten Kontexten ein Element der Lebensplanung und verband sich häufig mit (erwerbs-)biographischen Grundsatzentscheidungen wie Heirat, Wahl des Berufs oder eines Arbeitsplatzes; der überwiegende Teil der Arbeits-, Ausbildungs-, Siedlungs- und Heiratswanderer war also jung. We now understand how the Phoenicians, whose ancestors arrived in the second Semitic migration, came to call their land " Canaan.". 130. How to use migrating in a sentence. All Rights Reserved. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Emigrate definition is - to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere. Definition Migration/Integration . The prominent deciduous trees of Europe appear to be of eastern origin, and the progress of western migration has continued to historic times. Migrate definition, to go from one country, region, or place to another. Von internationaler Migration spricht man dann, wenn dies über Staatsgrenzen hinweg geschieht" . This is considered to be the final obstacle to full migration to Ethernet in areas such as substation automation. In some cases they survive by migration, but this is often prohibited by physical barriers. Giga-fren. migrating definition: 1. present participle of migrate 2. This migration is usually accompanied by a more or less complete metamorphosis, which is, however, not so conspicuous as in most other parasites, e.g. Another word for migration. Incorrectly sized or shaped jewelry can lead to migration and rejection of your new piercing. Einen wichtigen Unterfall der Migration stellt dabei die Binnenmigration dar, die Wohnortveränderungen von Menschen innerhalb einer bestimmten Region oder eines bestimmten Staatsgebiet. The Oregon and California migration was of large magnitude by 1846. from about 4000 B.C. When an animal migrates, it travels to a different place…. The Hauran, therefore, has become the stronghold of the Druses, offering nowadays the best field for studying their peculiar customs and religion; and the group there still increases at the expense of the other groups, despite efforts on the part of the Ottoman government to check Druse migration by both conciliatory and repressive measures. 1. Eine Arbeits-Migration liegt immer dann vor, wenn Menschen in ein anderes Land zwecks einer Erwerbstätigkeit umziehen. This difference is readily explained when we remember that in Europe the main barriers which stop migration, such as the Alps and the Mediterranean, run east and west, while in America the only barriers of any importance run north and south. Examples of Migration in a sentence. Recently, genealogists have begun to employ this tool in their research, using DNA testing to find cousins, establish family migration paths, and give dimension to their family trees. Placement is very important with pocketing, as these piercings have a high rate of migration, rejection and even infection. This difficulty in migration is probably the reason why the existing European flora is so poor in large-fruited trees compared with what it was in Miocene times or with the existing flora of North America. The mode of the migration anti the rotites to be followed are prescribed by law. migration stream. This piercing requires special jewelry and careful measurement of the piercing site to prevent migration and rejection. 1 Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another. How to use emigrate in a sentence. Migration, die über Landesgrenzen hinweg erfolgt, wird als internationale Migration bezeichnet. The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews. I wish we could migrate from here every winter, as the birds do! 3. , The migration of people from the city to the country has resulted in numerous empty houses in the downtown area. (For 1900 or Igor.) The seasonal movement of a complete population of animals from one area to another. BBC This article is about a project spanning five continents that is aiming to map the history of human migration via DNA. 417. British English: migration / maɪˈɡreɪʃən / NOUN Migration is the act of people moving from one place to another, especially in order to find work. More example sentences. contaminant migration and the service life of the liner system are discussed. Females dominate the labor migration stream since the eighties. Migration . immigration. They make an annual migration in the fall from North America to Mexico. B. Arbeitsmigration) wird eher Auswanderunggenannt. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. migration. English words and Examples of Usage use "migrating" in a sentence Find someone who has seen a flock of birds migrating. Thus the Phoenicians and the Amorites belong to the first stage of the second great Arabian migration. It has been thought that the Ionian migration from Greece carried with it some part of a population which retained the artistic traditions of the "Mycenaean" civilization, and so caused the birth of the Ionic school; but whether this was so or not, it is certain that from the 8th century onwards we find the true spirit of Hellenic art, stimulated by commercial intercourse with eastern civilizations, working out its development chiefly in Ionia and its neighbouring isles. amine monomers studied was detected in extracts or migration solutions. 2. Example sentences with "migration background", translation memory . People migrate to find work. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. When in addition to all this it is found that physically the Dravidians resemble the Australians; that the boomerang is known among the wild tribes of the Deccan alone (with the doubtful exception of ancient Egypt) of all parts of the world except Australia, and that the Australian canoes are like those of the Dravidian coast tribes, it seems reasonable enough to assume that the Australian natives are Dravidians, exiled in remote times from Hindustan, though when their migration took place and how they traversed the Indian Ocean must remain questions to which, by their very nature, there can be no satisfactory answer. MultiUn. 705. conservative assumptions about migration. Ein weiterer heutzutage oft auftretender Grund einer … Ausführliche Definition im Online-Lexikon Wanderungsbewegungen von Menschen (Arbeitskräften) zwischen Staaten oder administrativen Untereinheiten eines Staates (Binnenwanderung), die zu einem längerfristigen oder dauernden Wechsel des ständigen Aufenthaltsortes der daran beteiligten Personen führen. The first (870-980), after noticing the migration of the father and grandfather of the hero poet Egil, and the origin of the feud between them and the kings of Norway, treats fully of Egil's career, his enmity with Eirik Bloodaxe, his service with Æthelstan, and finally, after many adventures abroad, of his latter days in Iceland at Borg, illustrating very clearly what manner of men those great settlers and their descendants were, and the feelings of pride and freedom which led them to Iceland. In 1834 Portland Bay, on the mainland of Australia, was occupied by settlers from Van Diemen's Land, and in 1835 there was a migration, large when compared with the population of the island, to the shores of Port Phillip, now Victoria. Economic Migrant: a person who leaves their home for better economic opportunities Konventionsflüchtling ist jene Person, die im Sinne der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention des Jahres 1951 als Flüchtling anerkannt wurde. Darwin thought that the migration southwards would always be preponderant (Origin of Species, 5th ed., 458). kritisch hinterfragt und hängt zusätzlich von den als Maßstab angelegten Definitionen von „Flüchtling“ ab. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This mostly affects risk groups with a migration background and lack of sun exposure. In a large number of cases these only provide for migration within sufficient but narrow limits; such plants would be content to remain local. Geschieht dies innerhalb eines Landes spricht man von "Binnenmigration". ‘This may be an important mechanism promoting the shoreward migration of larval invertebrates and fish.’. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. In connexion with the movements of the migration period the Frisians are hardly ever mentioned, though some of them are said to have surrendered to the Roman prince Constantius about the year 293. observed in the exploitation of loopholes which allow the diversion of migration streams from one channel to another. 2. Von internationaler Migration spricht man dann, wenn dies über … These piercings have a high rate of migration and rejection, and scarring can be an issue. The movement usually happens across the political boundary. Simple Sentences with “migration” A simple sentence with “migration” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. , The displaced refugees found little welcome after their migration across the border. 2. Background: Trophoblast migration into maternal decidua is essential for normal pregnancy. no reoresentative crosses the tropic. It is the movement of people from one place to another to seek permanent or semi-permanent residence. a relocation of a large group to another area. This migration is usually accompanied by a more or less complete metamorphosis. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The forced migration of the Native American Indians was a deadly journey. The result of migration is that races of widely different origin and habit have had to … Migrate definition is - to move from one country, place, or locality to another. translation and definition "migration background", Dictionary English-English online. Migrate in a sentence. With the recent change in the community-builder Ning, Spruz even offers a special "migration script" to move the community from the no-longer-free Ning to the ad-free Spruz community. Example sentences with "migration stream", translation memory. Als Migration wird eine auf Dauer angelegte räumliche Veränderung des Lebensmittelpunktes einer oder mehrerer Personen verstanden. 1 There is a twofold account of his migration to Bethel with his nephew Lot; the more statistical form in xi. Compound Sentences with “migration” A compound sentence with “migration” contains at least two independent clauses. The seasonal movement of a complete population of animals from one area to another. migrate in a sentence - Use "migrate" in a sentence 1. ‘this butterfly's annual migration across North America’. 138. migration noun [C or U] (CHANGING) the process of beginning to use a new computer system, or of moving information from one type of system to another: Thanks for your patience during the … The Nematode parasites of the Invertebrata are usually immature forms which attain their full development in the body of some vertebrate; but there are a number of species which in the sexually adult condition are peculiar to the Invertebrata.2 The Nematoda contain about as many parasitic species as all the other groups of internal parasites taken together; they are found in almost all the organs of the body, and by their presence, especially when encysted in the tissues and during their migration from one part of the body to another, give rise to various pathological conditions. p>This is the editorial for the ‘Meaning of Migration’ issue of JOMEC Journal, June 2015. Owing to the inadequate supply of labour two important immigration … 254. The Immigration Definition of Sentenced to a Term of Imprisonment The immigration statute defines the term of imprisonment of a sentence as the “period of incarceration or confinement ordered … The migration to the summer quarters takes place at the beginning of April, the return at the end of September. It is all those big rivers crossed in the westward migration. (noun) In any case the people are driven out by some adverse change; and when the urgency is great they may require to drive out in turn weaker people who occupy a desirable territory, thus propagating the wave of migration, the direction of which is guided by the forms of the land into inevitable channels. However, it contains only one independent clause. Example sentences with the word migrating. Age, gender, migration background, and parental education were used as … migrating example sentences. 375. Häufig ist die Ursache einer Arbeits-Migration, dass es im Heimatland entweder keine oder nur eine schlecht bezahlte Arbeit gibt und im Auswandererland ein Arbeitskräftemangel herrscht. There had been regular sightings of Ospreys stopping here for a day or two on the course of migration. Anti-eyebrow piercings should be attempted with care, since the scarring from migration or rejection can be quite noticeable due to the placement. Unter Migration versteht man in diesem Fall den dauerhaften Wohnortwechsel zum Zwecke der Immigration (Einwanderung) oder der Emigration (Auswanderung). Emigration wird meist als das freiwillige oder erzwungene Verlassen des Heimatlandes aus religiösen, politischen oder ethnischen Gründen bezeichnet, wenn der jeweilige Staat einzelne Menschen oder Gruppen diskriminiert oder verfolgt oder eine bestimmte Gesinnung einfordert, die diese jedoch ablehnen. Definitions; Synonyms; Sentences; Quotes; Spanish; Home; Sentences; migration; Migration sentence examples. 2. A low timber breastwork prevents landward migration of spit onto marshes. Learn more. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. These two independent clauses can be combined with a … Der Wanderungsentschluss resultierte in derartigen … What does immigration mean? These cookies do not store any personal information. The Immigration Definition of Sentence B. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This Catholic migration in the city at times takes surprising turns. Others have considered conduction in a metal to be analogous to electrolytic conduction, and the observed effects to be due to " migration of the ions.". Migration is usually a response to changes in temperature, food supply, or the amount of daylight, and is … Video monitoring commenced in March 2003 with the aim of assessing the timing of any shad migration. Flüchtling Flüchtling bzw. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. flood The area has been declared a sanctuary for migrating birds. Das sind Personen, die in dem Land, in dem sie leben, begründete Furcht vor Verfolgung wegen ihrer Rasse, … Fowls, snipe and teal thrive after importation or migration. 1 a wave of Semitic migration poured out of Arabia, and flooded Babylonia certainly, and possibly, more or less, Syria and Palestine also. springer. Very skilful accommodation was needful, if the limitation of sloths to South America, and of the Ornithorhynchus to Australia, was to be reconciled with the literal interpretation of the history of the Deluge; and, with the establishment of the existence of distinct provinces of distribution, any serious belief in the peopling of the world by migration from Mount Ararat came to an end. springer. Migration can be minimized by using properly fit and properly shaped jewelry for your navel project. Once migration or rejection begins, there is little you can do to stop it, and it is common to remove the jewelry if it becomes severe. migration in a sentence - Use "migration" in a sentence 1. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The birds are currently beginning their large migration to the south. There seems to be an increased incidence of ink migration on this part of the body. 2. During the cold months, it is always interesting to watch the migration of … 4. The immigration of Jews from Russia was mainly responsible for the ineffective yet oppressive Aliens Act of 1905. translation and definition "migration stream", Dictionary English-English online. In order to improve the condition of affairs in congested districts, the board was empowered (I) to amalgamate small holdings either by directly aiding migration or emigration of occupiers, or by recommending the Land Commission to facilitate amalgamation, and (2) generally to aid and develop out of its resources agriculture, forestry, the breeding of live-stock, weaving, spinning, fishing and any other suitable industries. Human migrationis different compared to the animal migration. Definitions; Synonyms; Sentences; Quotes; Spanish; Home; Sentences; immigration; Immigration sentence examples. The first results of the tagging does not show the Tope making a southward mass migration in autumn occurs. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 211. See more. There was a large migration of … It could be a semi-permanent movement, if you are a seasonal farm laborer. The act of entering a country with the intention of remaining there permanently. Clearance of in stream obstructions likely to affect adult and smolt migration. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Immigration' auf Duden online nachschlagen. 292. Migration aus eher wirtschaftlichen Gründen (z. , When the crops are ready to be harvested, there is a huge migration of workers to the farmlands. It is manned at this time of year by Spanish observers monitoring the raptor and stork migration. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Equally, feelings of depression caused by the shortening days may have promoted migration toward more Southern latitudes. This will minimize irritation and promote fast healing with as little migration as possible. Throughout the Roman province, and IJmbria, Apulia, the Abruzzi, Basilicata and Calabria, is found in its full development a remarkable system of pastoral migration with the change of seasons which has been in existence from the most ancient times, and has attracted attention as much by its picturesqueness as by its industrial importance (see APULIA). While you may be aware of necessary touch-ups on most tattoos from time to time, there is a higher level of maintenance needed for foot tattoos because of the likelihood of ink migration. Candidates with active lifestyles may find hip piercings difficult to heal, as movement in this area can cause irritation, migration and rejection. Does illegal immigration take jobs from citizens? a relocation of a large group to another area, The forced migration of the Native American Indians was a deadly journey. Als Gegenstand von Forschung und praktischer Begleitung ist Migration in einer Reihe wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen vertreten, darunter den Gesellschaftswissenschaft… In accordance with this view the "Ionic migration," as it was called by later chronologers, was dated by them one hundred and forty years after the Trojan war, or sixty years after the return of the Heraclidae into the Peloponnese. Migration of species took place along these lines in both directions. The first of these is the comparative absence of natural barriers in the interior, owing to which intercommunication between tribes, the dissemination of culture and tribal migration have been considerably facilitated. In the meantime another migration to the Connecticut country had begun in 1638, when a party of Puritans who had arrived in Massachusetts the preceding year sailed from Boston for the Connecticut coast and there founded New Haven. 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