jquery select option by text

Suppose, you have a select element and you need to select one of its options based on one of its values. Here the one line code is: $("#myDropdown option:contains(Option 2)").attr('selected', 'selected'); The code adding the attribute “selected” to … You have to use the selected attribute to get the text of selected option. To add an option to a select box, this will add an option to the end of the option list. When the button is clicked the text or inner HTML of the selected option of the HTML Select Dropdown with ID mySelect is fetched and displayed in alert. See a demo below, where I created a select dropdown. Use the :checked selector instead. In certain scenarios, you need to work with forms in web projects and need to get value selected by the user, particularly in the select dropdown to perform a certain action without refreshing the web page. But did you ever think about selecting an option by the text of that option? This variable’s value is used in the $.addClass method of jQuery. In this example, I have created an HTML table with a CSS class as demo page loads. Tip: If the value property is not specified for an option element, then the text content will be sent … For example, using the following select box: 1. The examples can be seen online by clicking the image or link with each example. Required fields are marked *. Because :selected is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :selected cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method. You can see the complete code including markup and CSS at the demo page. Clicking “Replace options” replaces them with a new set of options and then selects the “Green” one. $("#item").append(""); using jQuery are mentioned in this article. Supports both local data (data array) and remove data source (JSON) via AJAX requests. You have to use the selected attribute to get the text of selected option. Here the one line code is: The code adding the attribute “selected” to the option contains the text “Option 2”. var myText = “Pakistan”; $(“#CountryDropDownList option:contains(” + myText + “)”).attr(‘selected’, ‘selected’); Contains has a problem that is , it cannot select exact words, such as it will select both xx and xxx when myText = xx, big thanks, man…………. In this tutorial, I will show you examples of using HTML select and getting the selected value and performing some action by using jQuery. 2. The method for retrieving the current selected text differs from one browser to another. See the demo first which is followed by a little explanation: At the select change event of the dropdown, following jQuery code is executed: Where a variable is assigned the selected value from the dropdown and next line uses the $.css method where body selector is used and the background color is changed to the one selected in the dropdown. The change event is sent to an element when its value changes. Change the text of that option to 'New Option Text'. If you want to get the text not the value of the selected option in jQuery, you can use the $.text method. The final line in jQuery code is used to display that returned data to the “html” selector. Check whether a checkbox is checked in jQuery. Borrowing from CSS 1–3, and then adding its own, jQuery offers a powerful set of tools for matching a set of elements in a document. Finally, after our loop finished, we changed the text of the default loading option so that the user realizes that they can now use the element. $(this).find("option:selected").text(); As mentioned in one of the comments. Learn jQuery hover method with CSS effects – 3 demos, jQuery $.parent and $.parents methods compared with 4 examples, This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar, HTML select dropdown: Learn to Create and style with CSS, Turn a Bootstrap dropdown into multi-select button by jQuery dropdown-checkboxes, 5 Demos of Pretty dropdowns by jQuery plug-in (pretty-dropdowns), jQuery addClass with HTML table, button, links and list demos, 7 demos of jQuery multi-select dropdown with checkboxes plug-in, A Bootstrap / jQuery based select box with search and multi-select options, 2 demos of multi-select and auto-complete jQuery plug-in: MSelectDialogBox, jQuery scroll animation with easing option: circus-scroll-tween, A jQuery linked select dropdown plugin with 2 examples. The selector is the id name (#IdName) of the select tag. Related Articles Get Selected Value of HTML SELECT using jQuery I need to check if a select has an option whose TEXT is a specific value. We then converted each car model into an Option element before appending it to our SELECT dropdown. This event is limited to elements,