how to pronounce scientific names audio

Is it necessary for the construction of phylogenetic tree and what is the best no. This practice is a hold-over from a time when Latin was internationally the common language of scholarship, allowing Renaissance scholars in Italy, Spain, France, England, Denmark, Germany, and so on, to read and understand each other's works. With confidence, as most in the audience will likely also be uncertain. In manuscript some time people use spp for plural strains of same species. In Continental Europe I will change this to 'ee' as the 'eye' pronunciation for 'i' is unknown there. Best regards, Jim Des Lauriers. Recent discussions have made me think about the pronunciation of the scientific names of plants in California. Congratulations! As many here have emphasized, scientific names are now constituted by roots from multiple ancient and modern languages and often are a chimera of multiple languages. All rights reserved. The classical Latin was used in Europe (I studied it in Hungary 30 years ago, and my daughter studied it 3 years ago) for a long time. I am very bad at pronunciation (always been a weak point of mine ) but I'm trying to learn how to say all these scientific names correctly. I have read with interest several replies, I am Italian and I have studied Latin and ancient Greek at school (as Kosch). A number of specific names are Latinized proper names (e.g., darlingi). u as in tube (Why not to Spanish or french, if both came from latin too?.) All Rights Reserved 01. Don't really understand how to interpret the data from a PCA 2D score plot. Brass-ee-ah Brassocattleya Bc. Hear the sound as many times as you want to perfect your pronunciation. Although it is possible that a plant’s scientific name may change — due to newer genetic research or for another reason — the scientific name … The Spanish seems to have had some influence of the Basque in its early formation.Probably the modern italian had influences of other languages too. There are, and are unlikely ever to be, any rules on how scientific names are pronounced. use for plural species and sp. I have had 4 of them. At least you can communicate with a few people. Thus, the Latin was a democratic (sorry to use such a commonplace) idiom in the Middle Age. The second kind is the Latin (scientific) names of taxa at all classificatory levels. An illustration of two photographs. Tadeusz, it was clear to this native English speaker as well. I have always thought that Latin pronunciation should have been similar to the Italian one, but surely this is not provable (to me is reasonable to assume that Italian-like this is correct). As scientific names, I suggest to pronounce these description texts in the eclesiastical method. However, this will take us onto a dangerous road. PronounceItRight. Actinodura sodangorum AK-tin-uh-DYOOR-uh … This is the way I pronounce them when teaching our medical students at ATSU/KCOM*. My experience in Japan and China is that biologists *can't* understand what the scientific names mean unless they've been taught how they are said - they simply do not see the similarities. In may oppinion, Italian like vowels and fixed consonants (i-e- ce pronounced as ke ) would be the best. Forgács name meaning available! English does have German roots, but the impact of French during the historical development of English language, mainly in scientific fields that is at vocabulary level, is much greater. Mathematical and scientific symbols. Oh, Mark!. There are other ways to pronounce these bacteria. This can be resolved when you have a chance to write what you mean. Then how will we deal with the pronunciation of names that commemorate individuals? If we have to laugh occasionally at someone's pronunciation, let's do it, at least we understand what they are saying. Get complete site access to decades of expert advice, regional content, and more, plus the print magazine. and its Licensors The 10 Hardest to Pronounce and Spell Prehistoric Animal Names. We should always remember that scientists communicate using the written word, and for those of us, like me, who have worked with scientific names all their lives, the number of times we write a name far exceeds the number of times we have to speak it. the pronunciation of the scientific names of plants can be downright confusing! Since I'm staying in a foreign country now, it is even more important for me to learn and know what scientific names certain organisms have, in my case, as a ornithologist, birds. For example, 'unispina' does infact have one spine, 'curvispina' has curved spines, but they didn't realise this because they didn't recognise the common elements of these names. With their full accepted name, citing the original contributor and the contributors that altered the taxonomic classification of the species, or should we just use the simple binomial form? But let me tell you, my first language is Spanish (Latin root) then the problem that you said to pronounce the names of species, us Latin people, we have it when we want to express any sentence in English or in German. Audio. Center for applied Ecology (CECOAL - National Council for Scientific and Technical Research ). How do you say Petiole in Italian? How to Pronounce Oregon. For scientific nomenclature, I expect there will always be inconsistencies, unless there are texts unknown to me about how to pronounce Latin-Greek-Chinese hybrid names with some reconciliation of all adjacent phonemes (and allowance of future phoneme evolution). (Rules of which the Kikero-Sisero difference is only one.) Research Center for Food and Development A.C. Also many scientific names are not derived from Latin. Many people have thanked us for the little pronunciation guides we give in the catalog for the genus names. I have several short audio clips that I need help with because there are a few words that I don't understand. Pronunciation of reptiles with 2 audio pronunciations, 15 translations and more for reptiles. It is best to pronounce names so that they are understood where you are. Learn more. Please follow the community guidelines, which can be referred through this link. Taxonomic names, from species to kingdom, are traditionally derived from Latin or Latinized Greek. Scientific names are most useful to clearly distinguish a plant from another plant which may have the same common name. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chetumal, Mexico. Notice I'm saying 'what the names mean' and not 'what organism they refer to' - these are two different things. Software. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. / 10000 pages; The | How to pronounce the in English; Of | How to pronounce of in English; And | How to pronounce and in English; To | How to pronounce to in English A Hungarian pronounced a Latin generic name of Greek origin with a stressed English accent in front of an audience where the majority was Hungarian with some colleagues from Central-Europe. It is the Japanese and Chinese themselves, in my experience, who want to take part in this international culture. We laughed at each others' pronunciations, certainly, but that simply helped make the discussion of science more friendly and open. Acridotheres tristis AK-rid-uh-THER-eez TRIS-tis. There are some important differences: It seems that latin, at least originally, did not difference between "u" and "v". These pronunciations prevented them finding the information contained in the name. Is this ethical? Again, as Allen stressed, the important is that your colleagues understand what you are talking about, so when it is a verbal conversation the 'local' pronunciation seems to be the best to adopt. and 'scientific names' are (mainly) 'Latin names', we have to try to use the correct Latin pronunciation. Many people have thanked us for the little pronunciation guides we give in the catalog for the genus names. Let me repeat—there is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO correct or official way to pronounce scientific names! Mecanografiado Trabajo de ascenso (Prof. Asociado)--Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias, Mérida, 1981 Incluye bibliografía. Why can't there by a book dedicated to listing the correct pronunciation of scientific names? That's what I've been told all my life. of bootstrap replicates value for construction of fungal phylogenetic tree in MEGA 6.0 by neighbor-joining method? Cheers, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. If latin names are 'Latin' I similarly will try to do my best to pronounce in the language of Taxonomy. Thanks for resolving the 'Lineusza' issue, i was really eager to know who he was. Smith - Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana Billbergia magnifica Mez - Brazil, Paraguay Billbergia manara Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. As a general rule pronounce every vowel separately except in diphthongs. 3. 5 Tips to Improve Your Russian Pronunciation. In that case I use the pronunciation that follows from the etymology of the name and ignore the "wrong" intended pronunciation. Acanthisitta chloris uh-kan-thuh-SIT-tuh KLOR-is, Acanthiza chrysorrhoa uh-KAN-thih-zuh KRIH-soh-ROH-uh, Acridotheres tristis AK-rid-uh-THER-eez TRIS-tis, Actenoides concretus ak-TEN-oi-deez con-CREE-tuhs, Actinodura sodangorum AK-tin-uh-DYOOR-uh soh-dan-GOH-rum, Actophilornis africanus ak-tuh-FIL-or-nis AF-rih-kan-uhs, Aechmophorus occidentalis ek-MOH-for-uhs OK-sih-DEN-tal-is, Aegithina tiphia ee-JIH-thin-uh TIF-ee-uh, Aegotheles insignis ee-GO-thel-eez IN-sig-nis, Agelaioides badius ah-jeh-LAY-oid-eez BAD-ee-uhs, Agelaius phoeniceus ah-jeh-LAY-ee-uhs fee-nih-SEE-uhs, Alaemon alaudipes al-EE-mon ah-LAUD-ih-peez, Amytornis striatus am-IT-or-nis stry-AH-tuhs, Anas platyrhynchos AH-nuhs PLA-tee-RIN-koz, Andigena hypoglauca an-DIH-jin-uh HI-poh-GLO-kuh, Aphelocoma californica uh-fel-uh-KOH-muh kal-uh-FORN-ik-uh, Aptenodytes forsteri ap-ten-uh-DIE-teez FOS-ter-eye, Arenaria interpres ar-en-AIR-ee-uh IN-ter-preez, Artamus cyanopterus AR-tam-uhs SIGH-an-OP-ter-uhs, Astrapia mayeri as-truh-PEE-uh MAY-er-eye, Atrichornis rufescens a-TRIK-or-nis ROO-fehs-sens, Auriparus flaviceps aw-RIP-ar-uhs FLAV-uh-seps, Balaenicipitidae BAL-een-uh-sip-IH-tuh-dee, Balearica regulorum BAL-ih-AR-ik-uh reg-YOO-lor-um, Bombycilla cedrorum bom-bih-SILL-uh SEED-roh-rum, Botaurus stellaris BOH-tor-uhs STEL-lar-is, Branta canadensis BRAN-tuh kan-uh-DEN-sis, Bubo sumatranus BYOO-boh SOO-mah-TRAN-uhs, Bucorvus leadbeateri BYOO-kor-vuhs LED-bet-er-eye, Buphagus erythrorhynchus BYOO-fag-uhs eh-RITH-roh-RIN-kuhs, Callaeas cinerea cal-LEE-uhs sin-EAR-ee-uh, Campephilus principalis KAM-pee-FIL-uhs PRIN-sih-PAL-is, Campylorhamphus trochilirostris KAM-pie-luh-RAM-fuhs, Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus KAM-pie-luh-RIN-kuhs, Caprimulgiformes kal-rih-mul-juh-FORM-eez, Caprimulgus indicus KAP-rih-MUL-juhs IN-dih-kuhs, Caprimulgus vociferus KAP-rih-MUL-juhs voh-SIF-er-uhs, Cariama cristata KAR-ee-ah-muh KRIS-tah-tuh, Casuarius casuarius kas-oo-AR-ee-uhs kas-oo-AR-ee-uhs, Cephalopterus ornatus SEFF-uhl-OP-ter-uhs AWR-nah-tuhs, Cercomacra cinerascens SIR-koh-MAK-ruh si-NEAR-ass-enz, Certhia americana SIR-thee-uh uh-mer-uh-kAN-uh, Chaetura pelagica KEE-tur-uh peh-LAJ-ik-uh, Chalcoparia singalensis kal-kuh-PAIR-ee-uh sin-GAHL-en-sis, Chamaea fasciata kam-EE-uh fah-she-AH-tuh, Chamaepetes unicolor kam-ee-PEET-eez YOO-nih-KUH-luhr, Charadrius vociferus kar-ad-REE-uhs voh-SIF-er-uhs, Chiroxiphia linearis ky-roh-ZIF-ee-uh lin-EE-air-is, Chlamydera maculata klam-EE-der-uh mak-yoo-LAH-tuh, Cicinnurus regius sih-SIN-yoor-uhs RAY-jee-uhs, Ciconia ciconia SIK-uh-nee-uh SIK-uh-nee-uh, Cinclosoma punctatum sin-cluh-SOH-muh PUNK-tah-tum, Cinclus mexicanus SIN-kluhs MEK-sih-KAN-uhs, Cinnyris asiaticus SIN-ny-ris AY-zhi-AT-ik-uhs, Cisticola juncidis sis-tuh-KOH-luh JUNK-id-is, Colibri coruscans KOH-lee-bree KOR-us-kans, Colinus virginianus KOL-eye-nuhs ver-JIN-ee-an-nuhs, Coracias garrulus kor-UH-see-uhs GAR-oo-luhs, Corythaeola cristata kor-ih-thee-OH-luh KRIS-tah-tuh, Corythaixoides concolor kor-ih-THAKS-oi-deez CON-kuh-luhr, Cracticus torquatus KRAK-tik-uhs TOR-kwah-tuhs, Cuculus canorus KYOO-kyoo-luhs KAN-or-uhs, Cyanocitta cristata SIGH-an-uh-SIT-tuh KRIS-tah-tuh, Cyclarhis gujanensis SIGH-klar-is GOO-jan-en-sis, Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos SIM-bih-RIN-kuhs ma-crow-RIN-kuhs, Cypsiurus parvus sip-SIH-yoor-uhs PAR-vuhs, Dacelo novaeguineae DAY-sel-oh NOH-vee-GIN-ee-ee, Dendrocolaptidae den-droh-koh-LAP-tuh-dee, Dendroica kirtlandii DEN-droy-kuh KIRT-land-ee-eye, Dendropicos goertae den-droh-PEE-kuhs GER-tee, Dicaeum ignipectus DIE-see-um IG-nih-PEK-tuhs, Dicrurus ludwigii DIE-kru-ruhs LOOT-vig-ee-eye, Dicrurus paradiseus DIE-kru-ruhs par-uh-DIE-see-uhs, Diomedea cauta eremite DIE-uh-MED-ee-uh CAW-tuh ER-ih-mite, Diomedea immutabilis DIE-uh-MED-ee-uh im-myoo-TUH-bil-is, Donacobius atricapillus don-uh-KOH-bee-uhs ay-trih-kap-ILL-uhs, Drepanorhynchus reichenowi DRE-pan-uh-RIN-kuhs RYE-keh-now-eye, Dromaius novaehollandiae DROH-may-uhs NO-vee-hol-LAND-ee-ee, Drymodes brunneopygia dry-MOH-deez BROO-nee-oh-PIJ-ee-uh, Dulus dominicus DYOO-luhs duh-MIN-ih-kuhs, Dumetella carolinensis dum-uh-TELL-uh kar-uh-LINE-en-sis, Epthianura tricolor ep-thy-an-YOOR-uh TRY-kuh-luhr, Eremophila alpestris ER-em-uh-FIL-uh al-PES-tris, Esacus magnirostris EH-sak-uhs MAG-nuh-ROS-tris, Eudyptes chrysolophus YOO-dip-teez krih-soh-LOH-fuhs, Eupodotis caerulescens yoo-pod-OH-tis see-ROO-less-sens, Eurypyga helias yoo-RIH-pij-uh HEE-lee-uhs, Eurystomus orientalis yoo-rih-STOH-muhs or-ih-EN-tal-is, Falco peregrinus FAL-koh PEHR-eh-GRIN-uhs, Ficedula basilanica fih-SEH-duh-luh bas-ill-AN-ik-uh, Fratercula arctica frah-TER-kuh-luh ARK-tik-uh, Fregata magnificens FREH-gah-tuh mag-NIH-fih-sens, Fulmarus glacialis FULL-mar-uhs glay-SHE-al-is, Galbula ruficauda GAL-bull-uh roo-fee-KAW-duh, Gallicolumba luzonica gal-ih-KUH-lum-buh loo-ZON-ik-uh, Gallinago nigripennis gal-uh-NAY-go NY-gruh-PEN-is, Geococcyx californiana GEE-oh-COCK-siks kal-uh-FORN-uh-kuh, Glareola pratincola glar-ee-OH-luh prat-in-KOH-luh, Grallina cyanoleuca GRAL-line-uh SIGH-an-uh-LYOO-kuh, Gymnogyps californianus JIM-nuh-jips kal-uh-FORN-uh-kuhs, Haematopus unicolor hee-muh-TOH-puhs YOO-nih-KUH-luhr, Harpactes oreskios hahr-PAK-teez or-es-KEE-uhs, Heliornis fulica hee-LEE-or-nis FUL-ik-uh, Hemiprocne coronata HEMI-prok-nee koh-roh-NAH-tuh, Himantopus himantopus hih-MAN-tuh-puhs hih-MAN-tuh-puhs, Himatione sanguinea hih-MAY-shun-ee san-GWIN-ee-uh, Hirundo pyrrhonota HIR-un-doh pir-uh-NOH-tuh, Hydrophasianus chirurgus hi-droh-fay-SEE-an-uhs KY-ruhr-guhs, Hypocolius ampelinus hi-poh-KOL-ee-uhs am-peh-LINE-uhs, Hypothymis azurea hi-poh-THY-mis az-YOOR-ee-uh, Hypsipetes madagascariensis hip-sih-PEET-eez mad-uh-GAS-kar-EE-en-sis, Indicator archipelagicus in-dih-KAY-ter AR-kih-peh-LAJ-ik-uhs, Lanius ludovicianus lan-ee-uhs LOO-doh-vih-SHE-an-uhs, Laterallus jamaicensis lat-er-ALL-uhs ja-MAY-sen-sis, Liosceles thoracicus lye-OS-sel-eez tho-RAS-ik-uhs, Lonchura punctulata LON-chur-uh punk-TOO-lah-tuh, Loxia curvirostra LOK-see-uh KUR-vih-ROS-truh, Macrocephalon maleo ma-crow-SEFF-uh-lon MAL-ee-oh, Macronyx ameliae MA-cron-iks am-EEL-ee-ee, Malurus splendens MAL-yoor-uhs SPLEN-denz, Megaceryle alcyon MEG-uh-ser-EYE-lee al-SIGH-on, Megalaima haemacephala meg-uh-LAY-muh hee-muh-SEFF-ah-luh, Melanocharis versteri mel-uh-NOH-kar-is VER-ster-eye, Meleagris gallopavo mel-ee-AY-gris gal-uh-PAY-voh, Melichneutes robustus mel-ik-NOO-teez ro-BUHS-tuhs, Melospiza melodia mel-uh-SPY-zuh meh-LOH-dee-uh, Meropogon forsteni mer-uh-POH-gon FOR-sten-eye, Mesitornis variegata meh-SIT-or-nis VAIR-ree-uh-GAH-tuh, Microeca fascinans my-CROW-ek-uh FAS-sin-ans, Mirafra javanica MIR-af-ruh jah-VAH-nik-uh, Mohua ochrocephala MOH-hyoo-uh OH-kruh-SEFF-ah-luh, Montifringilla nivalis mon-tih-frin-JILL-uh NYE-val-is, Motacilla cinerea moh-tuh-SILL-uh sin-EAR-ee-uh, Muscicaps striata MUS-kih-kaps stry-AH-tuh, Mycteria americana mik-TER-ee-uh uh-mer-uh-KAN-uh, Neodrepanis coruscans nee-oh-DREH-pan-is KOR-us-kans, Neophron percnopterus NEE-oh-fron perk-NOP-ter-uhs, Nesomimus macdonaldi NEZ-oh-MIH-muhs mak-DON-uld-eye, Nonnula ruficapilla NON-nuh-luh roo-fih-kap-ILL-uh, Notharchus macrorhynchos NOTH-ark-uhs ma-crow-RIN-kuhs, Nothocercus bonapartei NOTH-uh-SER-kuhs BOH-nuh-PART-eye, Nucifraga caryocatactes NYOO-sih-FRAG-uh KAR-ee-oh-KAT-ak-teez, Numenius americanus nyoo-MEN-ee-uhs uh-mer-uh-KAN-uhs, Numida meleagris NYOO-mid-uh mel-ee-AY-gris, Nyctea scandiaca NIK-tee-uh skan-DEE-uh-kuh, Nyctibius griseus nik-TIB-ee-uhs GRIS-ee-uhs, Oceanites oceanicus OH-shih-NYE-teez OH-shih-AN-uh-kuhs, Opisthocomiformes op-is-thuh-kom-eh-FORM-eez, Opisthocomus hoazin op-is-thuh-KOM-uhs HOH-ah-sin, Oriolus oriolus or-ih-OH-luhs or-ih-OH-luhs, Orthonyx temminckii OR-thon-iks TEM-ink-ee-eye, Oxyruncus cristatus OK-sih-RUN-kuhs KRIS-tah-tuhs, Pachycephala pectoralis pak-ih-SEFF-ah-luh pek-TOR-al-is, Pachyramphus aglaiae PAK-ih-RAM-fuhs ag-LAY-ee-ee, Pandion haliaetus PAN-die-on HAL-ee-ee-tuhs, Parabuteo unicinctus par-uh-BYOO-tee-oh YOO-nih-SINK-tuhs, Pardalotus striatus par-duh-LOT-uhs stry-AH-tuhs, Passer domesticus PASS-er doh-MES-tuh-kuhs, Passerculus sandwichensis pass-ER-kyoo-luhs SAND-wich-en-sis, Pelecanoides urinatrix pel-uh-KAN-oi-deez yoor-in-AY-triks, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos pel-uh-KAN-uhs eh-RITH-roh-RIN-kuhs, Pelecanus occidentalis pel-uh-KAN-uhs ok-sih-DEN-tal-is, Pericrocotus igneus per-ih-CROW-kot-uhs IG-nee-uhs, Phacellodomus ruber fay-sell-uh-DOH-muhs ROO-ber, Phalacrocoracidae fal-uh-crow-kor-AY-suh-dee, Phalacrocorax carbo fal-uh-crow-cor-aks KAR-boh, Pharomachrus mocinno far-uh-MAK-ruhs MOH-sin-noh, Phoenicopteriformes FEE-nih-KOP-ter-uh-FORM-eez, Phoenicopterus ruber FEE-nih-KOP-ter-uhs ROO-ber, Phoeniculus purpureus fee-NIH-kyoo-luhs purh-PURH-ee-uhs, Phyllastrephus scandens FIL-uh-STRE-fuhs SKAN-denz, Phylloscopus borealis FIL-uh-SKOH-puhs BOHR-ee-al-is, Phytotoma raimondii fye-toh-TOH-muh RAY-mund-ee-eye, Picathartes oreas PIK-uh-THAR-teez OR-ee-uhs, Picoides borealis PIK-oy-deez BOHR-ee-al-is, Pinguinus impennis PIN-gwin-uhs IM-pen-is, Pitangus sulphuratus PIT-an-guhs sul-FUR-ah-tuhs, Pitohui kirhocephalus PIT-oo-eey kir-uh-SEFF-ah-luhs, Pityriasis gymnocephala pit-ih-RYE-uh-sis jim-nuh-SEFF-ah-luh, Plectoryncha lanceolata PLEK-tuh-RIN-kuh LAN-see-oh-LAH-tuh, Plectrophenax nivalis PLEK-troh-FEN-aks NYE-val-is, Ploceus cucullatus PLOH-see-uhs kyoo-KYOO-lah-tuhs, Ploceus philippinus PLOH-see-uhs fil-ih-PINE-uhs, Podargus strigoides POD-ar-guhs STRI-goy-deez, Podiceps cristatus POD-ih-seps KRIS-tah-tuhs, Podicipediformes pod-ih-sih-ped-uh-FORM-eez, Poecile atricapilla PEE-suh-lee ay-trih-kap-ILL-uh, Pogoniulus chrysoconus po-go-NYE-uh-luhs KRIS-oh-KON-uhs, Polioptila caerulea poh-lih-OP-til-uh see-ROO-lee-uh, Polyborus plancus pol-ih-BOHR-uhs PLAN-kuhs, Pomatostomus temporalis poh-may-tuh-STOH-muhs tem-PER-al-is, Prionops plumatus PRY-on-ops PLOO-mah-tuhs, Procellariiformes pro-sell-ar-eye-uh-FORM-eez, Prunella modularis proo-NELL-uh mod-YOO-lar-is, Psaltriparus minimus sol-TRI-par-uhs MIN-ih-muhs, Psittacula krameri sit-UH-kuh-luh KRAY-mer-eye, Psittacus erithacus SIT-uh-kuhs eh-RITH-uh-kuhs, Psittirostra cantans SIT-uh-ROS-truh KAN-tanz, Psophia crepitans SOH-fee-uh KREP-ih-tanz, Pterocles namaqua TER-oh-kleez nah-MAH-kwuh, Pterocnemia pennata ter-ok-NEE-mee-uh PEN-ah-tuh, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus TIL-on-oh-RIN-kuhs vee-o-LAY-see-uhs, Ptiloris victoriae TIL-or-is vik-TOR-ee-ee, Ptyonoprogne rupestris TY-on-oh-PROG-nee ROO-pes-tris, Puffinus puffinus PUFF-in-uhs PUFF-in-uhs, Pycnonotus barbatus pik-noh-NOH-tuhs BAR-bat-uhs, Raphus cucullatus RAF-uhs kyoo-KYOO-lah-tuhs, Recurvirostra americana re-CURV-ih-ROS-truh uh-mer-uh-KAN-uh, Rhabdornis mysticalis RAB-dor-nis mis-TIH-kal-is, Rhipidura albicollis rip-ih-DYOOR-uh ahl-bih-KOLL-is, Rhipidura leucophrys rip-ih-DYOOR-uh LYOO-kuh-frees, Rhynochetos jubatus rye-noh-KEE-tuhs JOO-bat-uhs, Rostratula benghalensis ros-TRAT-uh-luh ben-GOL-en-sis, Rupicola rupicola roo-pih-KOH-luh roo-pih-KOH-luh, Sagittarius serpentarius saj-ih-TAR-ee-uhs ser-pen-TAR-ee-uhs, Sarcoramphus papa sar-KOH-ram-fuhs PAH-pah, Sarothrura elegans sar-oh-THROO-ruh EL-eh-ganz, Saxicola torquata sax-ih-KOH-luh TOR-kwah-tuh, Semnornis ramphastinus SEM-nor-nis ram-FAS-tin-uhs, Smithornis capensis SMITH-or-nis KAP-en-sis, Somateria spectabilis soh-muh-TER-ee-uh spek-TAB-ih-lis, Sphecotheres vieilloti sfek-UH-ther-eez VYE-ill-oh-eye, Spheniscus magellanicus SFEN-is-kuhs maj-eh-LAN-ik-uhs, Sphyrapicus varius sfir-AP-ik-uhs VAIR-ee-uhs, Steatornis caripensis stee-AT-or-nis kar-IH-pen-sis, Stercorarius parasiticus ster-koh-RARE-ee-uhs par-uh-SIT-ik-uhs, Stiltia isabella STILT-ee-uh IZ-uh-BELL-uh, Struthio camelus STROO-thee-oh KAM-el-uhs, Struthioniformes stroo-thee-on-uh-FORM-eez, Syrrhaptes paradoxus SIR-rap-teez PAR-uh-DOKS-uhs, Taeniopygia guttata tee-nee-uh-PIJ-ee-uh GUT-tah-tuh, Terpsiphone viridis terp-SIF-oh-nee VIR-id-is, Thamnophilus doliatus THAM-nuh-FIL-uhs dol-EE-ah-tuhs, Threskiornis aethiopicus THRES-kih-OR-nis EE-thi-OH-pi-kuhs, Threskiornithidae thres-kih-or-NITH-uh-dee, Todus multicolor TOH-duhs MULL-tee-KUH-luhr, Trichoglossus haematodus TRIK-uh-GLOS-uhs HEE-muh-TOH-duhs, Troglodytes aedon trog-luh-DIE-teez EE-don, Troglodytes troglodytes trog-luh-DIE-teez trog-luh-DIE-teez, Turdus migratorius TUR-duhs my-gruh-TOR-ee-uhs, Vanellus vanellus vah-NELL-uhs vah-NELL-uhs, Vireo atricapillus VIR-e-oh ay-trih-kap-ILL-uhs, Volatinia jacarina vol-uh-TIN-ee-uh jak-uh-REE-nuh, Zenaida macroura ZEN-ay-duh ma-crow-YOOR-uh, Zosterops japonicus ZOS-ter-ops jap-ON-ik-uhs, Copyright © 2021 Web Solutions LLC. 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